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Oticon Hearing Aids 


About Oticon


Life-changing technology

Oticon makes hearing aids that are famous for their superior sound quality. As technology leaders of the industry, Oticon constantly strives towards their vision: a world where hearing loss is no limitation. They challenge conventions and push the limits of technology to change the lives of people with hearing loss.

This has been Oticon’s mission for more than 100 years – ever since their founder Hans Demant helped his wife Camilla with one of the first electronic hearing aids in the world. From this foundation of care, Oticon has grown with a passion to empower people who need hearing support.

Today, Oticon is a global company with headquarters in Denmark. Their hearing aids are available in more than 100 countries worldwide.


Oticon Hearing instruments are available in all technology levels - see our Technology comparison


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Hearing health is brain health


Did you know you hear with your brain? Your ears collect sound, but it’s your brain that actually understands it. In other words, hearing is thinking.


Good hearing helps your brain stay fit throughout your life, and helps avoid many other health problems. What is more: the brain is actually the most sophisticated sound processor that we have!


This realization has led one hearing healthcare company called Oticon to pioneer brain-friendly hearing aids. What Oticon does differently is focus on understanding how the brain makes sense of sound, so they can make hearing aids that support your brain’s natural way of working. Oticon calls this unique philosophy BrainHearing™.


With this approach, Oticon focuses on designing hearing aids that support the mental hearing processes and, with active use, may protect the brain against hearing loss-related risks such as cognitive decline.

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Always Ear - 58, Woodlands Road, Ansdell. FY8 4BX 
Tel: 01253 462658 0r 07752821925


Registered office address
Ground Floor, Seneca House Links Point, Amy Johnson Way, Blackpool, Lancashire, England, FY4 2FF

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