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Jazz Singer
People Playing Djembe

ER series of hearing protection products are perfect for musicians and widely acknowledged as being the flattest attenuating noise protection product in the world. Certified to European Noise Regulations EN352-2.












ER 9 TM  - Recommended for use under light noise exposure - ideal for vocalists and acoustic guitar or string players.


ER15 TM  - Recommended for use under medium noise exposure - ideal for most musicians 


ER25 TM  - Recommended for heavy noise conditions - Heavily amplified instruments/ Percussion or Brass player 


ER15 TM  - Recommended for use under medium noise exposure - ideal for most musicians


ER BangTM  -  Special Hearing protector for hunters, target shooters, security personnel, police, military forces and more. 

ER Packshot hearing protection
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